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Driving a car onto Blessed Trinity property is a privilege, not a right. Driving recklessly, speeding, failing to register a car and/or
display a parking permit can result in disciplinary action and/or loss of driving privileges.

All student drivers must register their cars in order to park on the Blessed Trinity campus.

Student drivers have until August 16, 2024 to register their cars. 

Click here to access
Parking Permit Form

Cost of permit:  $50
All charges will be made to your student's FACTS account.
Failure to register a car will result in the student being issued a ticket and a $25 fine for the first offense, $50 for a second offense.
Any car driven to school must be registered and must have a parking permit displayed to avoid tickets being issued.
Student parking permits must be placed in the top driver’s side corner of the rear window.
Students with improperly displayed permits will be considered illegally parked and subject to a detention.

Where to park: 

  • Senior parking is in the east lot (adjacent to the theater).
  • Junior parking is in the south lot (behind the fine arts classrooms and gyms) and the southwest lot (adjacent to the classroom hallway and lacrosse field).
  • Sophomore parking is in the lot next to the practice field. 

Parking is permitted only in lined parking places. No student parking is permitted along curbs, in numbered spaces, spaces labeled VISITORS, or handicapped spaces (unless a state-approved handicapped sign is displayed or permission is given by the principal). No student parking is allowed during the school day in the west lot (near the tennis courts).

Blessed Trinity students are not permitted to park at St. Peter Chanel Catholic Church, Queen of Angels School, or Home Depot. Parking in these locations will result in a disciplinary offense.