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KAIROS retreats are modeled on the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius of Loyola. The Spiritual Exercises help us work so that the decisions we make are motivated by love of God instead of attachment to worldly desires.

In the “First Principle and Foundation,” St. Ignatius calls us to reflect on our own journey with God. Ignatian spirituality is at the core of the KAIROS retreat. We are invited to take time to pray and reflect on how Christ comes to meet us.

Open to all Blessed Trinity students and 100% led and organized by selected, trained student retreat leaders, KAIROS retreats were brought to BT four years ago by students themselves, some of whom are senior retreat leaders now. Their purpose was simple: to provide a regular opportunity to step away from the many demands of life at Blessed Trinity in order to draw closer to God and to focus on making that relationship the foundation of their lives. The word ‘kairos’ is Greek for “the right time,” and so our invitation to our retreatants is this: "Come and live in God’s time for a while, and keep on living in it!"

Upcoming KAIROS Retreat - March 7-9, 2025
Camp Hidden Lake, Dahlonega, Georgia


“Kairos is such a life changing retreat that gives everyone a taste of heaven and needs to be shared. Words cannot describe the fulfilment it has given me. I have never seen so many people come together to worship and pray over each other. My heart longs to go back, and all I want is for others to feel that longing for Christ too. ”

Class of 2027


"Volunteering to go on a Kairos retreat is always a pleasure. Not only is it an opportunity to relax in the Georgia mountains, but more importantly, it is an opportunity to connect with God and see His grace working in the students. My favorite part of Kairos is adoration; nowhere else is it more evident that God is present and touching the lives of our BT family."

Theology Teacher


"Kairos truly changed my life, and all of my relationships. The true purpose is the Lord, but I truly think that every single person can benefit, Catholic or not. Kairos is a blessing and everyone should give it a chance."

Class of 2027