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PowerSchool E-Grades

Parents and student may check grades, attendance, and discipline incidents online at

Grades are updated on-line as soon as they are entered into a teacher's gradebook.

Directions are below and we have a video walking you through the process and showing how to access Magnus:

To Create a parent account:

  1. Visit
  2. Click on the Create Account tab above the username and password fields
  3. Click the Create Account button
  4. Fill out the top portion of the form - note that you will select your own username and password, be sure to remember what you select
  5. On the bottom portion of the form fill out the name of each student and use the Access ID and Access Password that is sent via email in August.
  6. Click the Enter button at the bottom of the page and your account will be created.
  7. Log in using the username and password you selected in step 4 (use the values you selected, not the Access ID and Access Password).


Mobile Device App:
An app is available for Android and iOS devices to access our e-grades system - just search the Play Store or App Store for "Powerschool" and download the PowerSchool app (links are also included below).

Our district code is QKTH (or just search for Blessed Trinity).

A few notes:
There are a few important notes to keep in mind for the App and Parent Accounts:

  1. When creating your parent account you must enter your Access ID and Access Password exactly as they are shown on your yellow sheet - BOTH values are cAsE sEnSiTiVe and if you do not capitalize upper case letters the system will not recognize your Access ID or Access Password.
  2. You will select your own username and password - this username must be unique on the system and the password must be at least 6 characters. If you ever forget your password a reset link will be sent to the e-mail address you specify.
  3. The Apps will show you future scheduled classes. When viewing your class schedule for an upcoming semester, it is important to remember two things:
    • These future schedules are NOT the final sections, rooms, teachers, or blocks that your student will necessarily have on the final schedule. Schedules are in a constant state of change and nothing should be considered final until the first day of class.
    • Requests for a change of what period that your student takes a class or for a change of teacher of a course cannot be honored, as this would overload classes.