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Fine Arts Students participating in choir productions
Blessed Trinity Choirs

The Vocal and General Music Program at Blessed Trinity contains varying groups of energetic and talented students of all grades and vocal levels.

The Concert Choir concentrates on developing the students as well-rounded musicians, not just as singers. One focus is preparing music for performance, but the choir also studies music theory and history while examining how music can make them not only a better citizen within their society, but how they can make a better world. The music performed is a challenging and stimulating representation of quality choral repertoire from all historical musical periods, from Medieval to Contemporary Music. This ensemble is a year-long class that meets during the school day. It does not require an audition; however, permission of the teacher is required to join.

The Blessed Trinitones a cappella group is an extra-curricular, auditioned group for the most committed and talented choir members. The group performs pop and musical theater songs with no instruments - just their voices. Auditions are in the spring prior to class registration with rehearsals and performances after school. The rehearsal schedule avoids conflicts with the Theatrical Alliance rehearsal and performance schedule allowing students to participate in both.

Music Ministry is an extra-curricular, non-auditioned ensemble of vocalists and instrumentalists who lead worship music at monthly all-school Masses.

Jacob McDonald

Jacob McDonald

Director of Vocal Music

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